101 ways to make $

I have recently read "101 ways to make money from home " by Thomas Hill . I have enjoyed reading this book and this quote has stood out greatly 

Catching yourself complaining, blaming, and finding fault. When you complain or blame, you will feel bad. Not only that, those around you will start feeling bad, and that negativity will also go from them to you. What’s worse than being negative alone is being negative in a group of negative people. When you’re surrounded by negative people, it will bring you down and drain your energy.
I have noticed a lot of people tend to complain more than compliment and negativity is big no-no! I am the one first inline to start taking about the bad versus good parts. I am going to start trying to keep a positive attitude. 

Find people who are positive, supportive, and moving in the direction of success. Attend seminars, join groups, and have several of them. They will keep you motivated, energized, and positive minded along the way and some of them you can also tap for joint ventures. Sometimes, your family and friends may not be the best people to ask help from when it comes to business, so it’s important to keep growing your network of people you can work with.

Working from home seems fun ! 

Great advice, Thomas Hill! 
I will taking your advice to heart ! 
Keep it in mind !!

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